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10 Interesting Facts About LinkedIn

LinkedIn, founded in the year 2003, is the world’s largest professional network. It has grown from a platform where the users would post their resume to an undisputed leader for professional networking, building business relationships, recruiting, and advertising for niche markets. With the current member base of 706 million in more than 150 countries in 24 languages, the LinkedIn network is set for exponential growth in the coming years.

To discover more about LinkedIn, let us look at some interesting facts about the platform:

  1. More than 70 percent of LinkedIn users are based outside the US. 87 million Millennials are using the platform. Out of that number 11 million hold decision-making positions. 90 million of its users are senior-level influencers. LinkedIn has undoubtedly, become a popular platform for recent college graduates with 46 million students as its users.
  2. 80 percent of B2B leads are generated on LinkedIn. It is a perfect place for a B2B marketer to have their presence and use the network for lead generation. Producing content and becoming an expert in your field is another way to tap into the potential the platform offers with 6 out of 10 users actively looking for industry insights.
  3. LinkedIn members want to have a mentor or to be one to others. This feature of LinkedIn was introduced in November 2017 which primarily connects members across the network for mentorship opportunities. To get started, you need to go to your LinkedIn profile and find the Career Advice hub. Enter your preferences and a list will be provided to you with recommended members based on the specifications, mutual interest, and profession. An important point to note is that this feature is available to the users for free.
  4. Another feature of LinkedIn that needs a mention is the live video streaming service which was launched in February 2019 called LinkedIn Live. It gives its members and businesses a platform to build deeper connections and drive more engagement. Live videos get on average 7x more reactions and 24x more comments than the standard videos. It is helpful for the launch of new products, showcasing the people behind the brand, or to demonstrate thought leadership. All you need to ensure is that the live videos are engaging and interactive.
  5. LinkedIn is the most used social media platform amongst Fortune 500 companies and 41 percent of millionaires use this network. These figures provide enough evidence that it is the place to reach your ideal customers and clients and decision-makers for B2B companies.
  6. 70 percent of people who are hired through LinkedIn are hired at companies where they have connections. Who you know plays a very vital role in getting noticed on LinkedIn. It allows its users to have a maximum of 30,000 connections but you can grow your network by creating compelling content, thereby establishing you as an expert in your field.
  7. LinkedIn users use some phrases in their profile that may sound unique and powerful but they may be the same words that are being used by everyone else. To stand out, you need to make a change and avoid the 10 words mentioned below with a suggestion for their replacement

Motivated- ambitious, determined, fired up

Passionate- enthusiastic, fanatic, zealous

Creative- original, artistic, inventive, gifted

Driven- energetic, enthused, dedicated

Extensive experience- accomplished, trained, capable

Responsible- accountable, reliable, in control

Strategic- tactical, goal-oriented, purposeful

Track record- stats, accomplished, performance history

Organizational- structural, administrative, managerial

Expert- skilled, savvy, sharp

  1. LinkedIn has come out with the top Hard skills and Soft skills that companies are looking for on the network in 2020. Hard skill essentially is the ability of an employee to do a specific task which requires specialized knowledge and technical abilities and is easy to measure whereas soft skill is more about the way you do specific tasks- like how you collaborate, solve problems, adapt, and make decisions. These skills are more difficult to measure. A survey conducted by LinkedIn of 2000 business leaders found that 57 percent of them say that soft skills are more important than hard skills.

Let us look at the list of skills:

Hard Skills                                              Soft Skills

Blockchain                                               Creativity

Cloud computing                                    Persuasion

Analytical reasoning                              Collaboration

Artificial intelligence                             Adaptability

UX design                                                Emotional Intelligence

Business Analysis

Affiliate Marketing


Scientific computing

Video production

  1. 30 percent of the engagement of a company on LinkedIn is by its employees. They play a crucial role in advocating brands and help them boost their reputation and succeed. Employees have 10 times more reach across social network sites than the company’s official page.
  2. LinkedIn carries 15 times more impressions for content than job postings. It has transitioned from being a recruitment platform to a professional one where people can find resources and information. It is viewed as one of the most credible sources for content and now 98 percent of the marketers use LinkedIn for content marketing for B2B businesses and lead generation.

LinkedIn as a professional platform has many features that one can explore and benefit from. Used wisely it can help a business and a personal brand grow.

Use the platform to your best advantage.

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