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Sam Altman and Satya Nadella talk: Artificial Intelligence is as important as the birth of the internet

sam altman has become a referential figure for today’s world thanks to his company, OpenAI, owners of ChatGPT. Satya NAdella, current CEO of Microsoft It is just as relevant, since it is the company that largely finances this project dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

Both have just met in an interview, where they spoke directly about the relevance and impact that these platforms will have for the future of humanity. In fact, they even took as an example and starting point a legendary Microsoft internal document written in 1995.

Both have just met in an interview, where they spoke directly about the relevance and impact that these platforms will have for the future of humanity. In fact, they even took as an example and starting point a legendary Microsoft internal document written in 1995.

in said piece Bill Gates He spoke about the present that was lived in the industry at that time and the impact that the liberation of the internet could have for our global society, which could now reach every home.

Almost 30 years after that moment, we see that Gates was right about the magnitude of the change. And now both Altman and Nadella They have established a series of parallels where everything indicates that the same is about to happen with AI systems.

Artificial Intelligence will be as important as the internet was in 1995: according to Sam Altman and Satya Nadella

It turns out that both executives have just been interviewed in the most recent installment The Circuit with Emily Chang for Bloomberg, where both remember a particular passage in the history of Microsoft a few decades ago.

It so happens that Bill Gates sent a very famous memo back in 1995 in which he described how important he thought the Internet would be in the future, calling it a “tidal wave” that would affect the entire operation of Microsoft and beyond.Read:  Sam Raimi wants to make the next Batman movie

Well now, Satya Nadella, current CEO of Microsoft, has made it clear that he believes that Artificial Intelligence, like the one that resides at the core of ChatGPT, is poised to have the same effect on our society:

“Bill’s memo in 1995, it seems that way to me. I think it’s just as big. We in the tech industry are classic experts at exaggerating everything.

But what motivates me is that I want to use this technology to really do what I think at least all of us who are in technology are looking for, which is to democratize access to technology itself.”

For his part, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, highlighted the relationship dynamics between his company and Microsoft. Ruling out that in the long term this association between the two firms represents an overwhelming advantage in the industry in favor of the company that also owns Windows.

For both, the Artificial Intelligence sector is the most competitive today and this type of interaction only favors the growth of the sector.

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