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AI Showdown, Part 2: ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, And Bard Tackle Blogging

In my last article, Part 1 of the AI Showdown series, I shared my surprise when speaking with a prospect who hadn’t heard of Claude or Bard, two of the major generative AI tools making news. That surprise led me to organize this AI showdown.

The first article introduced the contenders: ChatGPT, Claude, Bing Chat, and Bard. For this article, I tested each model by having it create content for a popular marketing use case—blogging.

Since I ran the experiment, Google announced an update to Bard, which is supposed to have made it the “most capable model yet.” I double-checked the results using the new model, but nothing changed. Bard performed just as it had in the first run.

My original hypothesis stands: ChatGPT will outperform the other AI tools. Was I right? Let’s start with the content brief I prepared to put the chatbots on even ground.

Creating the content brief

What’s the first thing you do when you want a freelance content creator to write a blog post for you? You craft a content brief. That’s what I did for this experiment, too.

When creating a content brief for an AI tool, include all the information it needs to write the content you want, for the audience you want, in the voice and style you want.

If you’ve been following my articles on ChatGPT, you may notice that this article’s content brief has more elements because I’ve expanded what goes into my standard brief. In the following brief, I included the new elements and omitted others because they were irrelevant to the task.

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