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SingularityNET Spins Off To Create Tokenized Ecosystem For AI-Driven Longevity Therapeutics.

Leading decentralized AI firm SingularityNET has announced it is spinning off a separate organization,, aimed at applying SingularityNET AI technology to understand the causes of aging and create new longevity therapeutics.

SingularityNET, in collaboration with bioinformatics firm Mozi AI Health and others, has previously explored the application of its AI tools to the biology of longevity. CEO Dr. Ben Goertzel and bioinformaticist Michael Duncan have recently announced new findings regarding the unusual genetic features of supercentenarians (people age > 105).

Rejuve uses a cryptographic token, the RJV token, to create a novel ecosystem including individuals who want to improve their health and extend their life, AIs and AI researchers, biological and medical researchers and clinics. Individual Rejuve members will receive RJV tokens for contributing their biomedical and lifestyle data, and these tokens will then be redeemable for free or discounted longevity therapies, including therapies discovered based on data contributed by members.

SingularityNET AI tools will be used to analyze data contributed by Rejuve members, with conversion between SingularityNET’s AGI token and the RJV token occurring behind the scenes — an example of the innovative economic mechanisms made possible via cryptographic utility tokens defined with smart contracts.

SingularityNET CEO Dr. Ben Goertzel explains, "RejuveisbeingspunoutofSingularityNETbecause, ifwereallywanttouseAItosolveaging, applyingAIto publiclyavailabledatasetsisnotenough, andpartneringwithcompaniesandhospitalswillingtosharetheirproprietarydatasetsisnotenough. WaitingforbiologistsanddoctorstoindependentlydesigntherapiesbasedonwhatourAIdiscoversistooslow. Weneedtoattackthedata, therapydiscovery, therapydeliveryproblemsallinonenetwork. "

Dr. Goertzel first introduced Rejuve at the Raadfest longevity forum in Las Vegas on Oct. 4. Rejuve CEO David Lake will publicly announce the project to the a wider audience at the GITEX Future Stars conference in Dubai on Oct. 9 at 3:20pm during the Future of Being track.

Dr. Goertzel delivered a keynote at the event, where he touched on the criticality of using AI to increase the human lifespan and push the limits of human potential. “Artificial general intelligence’s time has finally come,” he said. “We’re in the middle of a transition. We’re transitioning from the narrow AI revolution to an AGI revolution, where AIs can learn, generalise, and reason like people. That will then lead on to superintelligence far beyond the human level.”

As its first concrete product, Rejuve is launching the Rejuve Smart Fasting app, a smartphone app intended to guide individuals exploring intermittent fasting or other forms of medically approved fasting for health and longevity. The data users put into the app is leveraged to provide users with intelligent guidance during their fasting process, and also goes into Rejuve’s database for ongoing analytics, potentially fueling new discoveries. The initial version of the app has been submitted to the Android and iPhone app stores and is expected to be available this week.

Lake notes, "The datagatheredfromusersoftheRejuveSmartFastingappwillhelpourSingularityNETAItolearnnewpatternsaboutwhatkindsoffastsworkbestforwhatpeople, butitalsogoesbeyondthat. Someofthefastersusingtheappwilluploadgenomicdataandothermedicaldataintotheplatform. Someofthemwillbetryingothersupplementsormedications. PuttingthedatawegatherfromtheSmartFastingappandtheothertoolswe’lllaunchtogetherwithallthebiomedicaldatawefindonline, weshouldhaveenoughtopowerourAItosomereallyvaluablediscoveries."

Dr. Goertzel adds, "Thisisnotjustanothercryptoproject, orjustanothertechnologyproject. Thisisaprojectthatcansaveyourlife. Idon’twanttodie. Doyou wanttodie? Idon’twanttogetoldeither — Iwantagenetherapy, orastemcelltherapy, orwhateveritis, thatwillrollbackmyagefrom 52 to 22. Thisisentirelywithinthereachofscience. Ifyoudon’twanttodie, ifyou’dratherremainyoungandhealthyindefinitely, youshouldbeputtingsomeofyourenergyintoprojectslikeRejuvethatareleveragingthebesttoolshumanityhastooffer, like SingularityNET’s, towardthedifficultbuttotallyrealisticgoalofthescientificconquestofdeath."

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