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Ankabut Selected As Dell Technologies Cloud Service Provider In The UAE

Taking a step forward in strengthening the collaboration between UAE government, industry, and academia, the Emirates Advanced National Research and Education Network (Ankabut) today announced that it has achieved the status of Dell Technologies’ Cloud Service Provider (CSP). As the education sector increases its investment towards enabling digital transformation, with this new partner status, Ankabut can provide Dell Technologies’ comprehensive hybrid and multi-cloud solutions across the UAE.

An initiative of Khalifa University, Ankabut provides leading edge network infrastructure to educational institutions within the UAE to help facilitate an advanced e-learning environment and develop a collective collaborative approach to research and learning. Presently, Ankabut provides infrastructure and managed services to more than 80 institutions, in line with UAE’s Vision 2021 which highlights the provision of a first-rate education system as a pillar of the National Agenda. As part of the Vision, the UAE also sanctioned 17% of its national budget towards education and development of advanced skills.

In order to cater to the demands of the industry, educational institutions in the country are adopting cloud solutions to optimize their operations, democratize education, and foster new talent. The openness of the cloud allows students to create, collaborate and capitalize on global opportunities – which is central to building a knowledge-based economy.

As the student population grows and evolves, Ankabut will now be able to provide education institutions with Dell Technologies’ foundational cloud service offerings to accelerate innovation, develop new market competencies and manage on and off premises cloud. Furthermore, with over 300 CSP partners worldwide, Ankabut will have easy access to Dell Technologies specialized training, product and service incentives, greater profit potential and the flexibility to grow its business with a comprehensive set of benefits and financial incentives.

Customer Quote(s):

Fahem Al Nuaimi, CEO, Ankabut

“We believe that technology is the backbone of our vision to ensure UAE leads the digital era of education. In light of this, cloud technology is key. By making technology more accessible and integrated in classrooms through cloud, digital transformation can be accelerated and realized. Hence, with our new strategic status of becoming a Dell Technologies Cloud Service Provider in the UAE, we aim to help education institutions scale their technological infrastructure and fast track their ability to attract, inspire and engage the next generation workforce.”

Executive quote(s):

Fady Richmany, Senior Director and General Manager – UAE, Dell Technologies

“Today, the education sector is undergoing significant shifts as it seeks to take advantage of technology on demand to meet the growing need for driving innovation and student success through digital transformation. As a result, IT infrastructure has changed drastically and cloud technologies allow institutions to simplify their IT platforms, while enabling virtual content sharing and learning. So, we are extremely happy that Ankabut achieved the status of Dell Technologies CSP. With a commendable partner, we can now ensure technology plays an integral role in changing the student mindset, enhancing teaching practices and reimagining learning and innovation in newer ways.”

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