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10 Tips For Effectively Managing Your Instagram Account

Instagram has taken the world by storm, since its inception in the year 2010. With one billion active users, it has become the favourite social network not just with teens and millennials, but also with adults. Instagram as a social platform is no longer limited for personal usage. This photo posting app is a perfect platform for brands to showcase products, inspire its audience, and gain maximum engagement through content sharing. The higher the engagement, the higher is the attraction which eventually leads to higher revenue. As engagement on Instagram is much higher than other social platforms like Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter it clearly lends an advantage to a brand.

To take maximum advantage of an Instagram account, reap the benefits of its user base and its features, let us look at tips for the effective management of the account

  1. Post an Interesting Bio– It is incredibly important to make a lasting first impression as it takes just one-fifth of a second for a user to form an opinion on your brand. It thus becomes imperative that a lot of thought is put into creating an attractive Bio that
    • explains who you are and what you do
    • appeal to your target audience
    • includes a Link
  1. Plan out a Content Strategy– A proper content strategy needs to be in place to ensure the sharing of high quality, eye-catching interesting content to achieve higher engagement. Research the best posts in the industry and look for what the competitors are doing. Devise a plan to carefully organize the content according to the theme, and in line with the media calendar. This will ensure greater consistency in the quality and message of the content that is posted. A study conducted by Simply Measured states that the engagement rate on Instagram is 15 times higher than Facebook and 20 times higher than Twitter. This clearly shows that compared to other social networks, the chances for engagement are much higher and so are the chances of converting followers into brand loyalists through the content posted.
  2. Post Consistently– Regular posts on Instagram are a key to success. An ideal scenario for any brand is to be posting at least once a day if not 2-3 times a day to ensure higher reach, engagement, and growth for the account. Identifying the best time to post is also an important factor. Another way to ensure freshness and relevance is through Instagram stories. These are short, eye-catching and very engaging and help in generating business. This feature can be used to run polls as well as announce a new post. The use of the Insight feature gives a better understanding of the habits of the followers and thus helps in keeping the post consistent.
  3. Use Branded Hashtags– Hashtags helps in categorizing content across social media platforms. It allows users on Instagram to discover content and accounts to follow. A great way to expand your brand is through the use of hashtags. A branded hashtag creates a space for the brand and its followers to post content and allows them to tell a It helps in maximizing the chance of reach, engagement, and potential growth. It is one of the best ways to manage followers on the platform without being pushy. 7 out of 10 hashtags are branded so ensure that they are unique and engaging.
  4. Call to Action– It is great to have users follow and engage with the brand but they should know is what to do next, hence there should be a call to action. Link in the bio and captions provide an option to include a call to action such as directing you to a landing page, highlighting products and services, including new product features, special offers, and promotions that nudge users to complete their purchase.
  5. Go Live on Instagram–Going live can bring a high level of engagement and help add new followers, especially if it is shared across the social channels. If promoted well before going live by using hashtags and posts, there is a likelihood of getting new followers who want to see what you have to offer. If the live-stream has a lot of viewers, you can have a call for action like telling them to click a link in the bio for exclusive content.
  6. Analyse the core demographics– an understanding of who the audience is very important as it gives you insights into the current followers and who to target in the future.
  7. Engage with Instagram users-Having a successful account on Instagram will largely depend on how you engage with your followers. The human element in the interaction is very important when responding to comments and messages. The users are more likely to engage and recommend you to their followers, family, and friends. Following back your audience is also an effective way to build relationships and grow the account.
  8. Connect with Influencers– User-generated content can be incorporated to connect with users and collaborate. These users have their niche carved out and can increase engagement and discussion about the brand. These influencers are becoming increasingly significant these days and hold a lot of power in pushing a message across to their community. Collaborating with influencers who align well with your vision and objective can add authenticity to your message and bring a higher following for you.
  9. Track and Learn from best-performing Instagram content– there are many ways to track and learn from Instagram content by identifying the most effective hashtags and visual, or best times for post. Such monitoring helps in devising a plan that suits you best.

The journey to effectively manage your Instagram account is ever-evolving. One needs to keep abreast of all the new features being introduced to get maximum gain. Following the tips will help you maximize your Instagram channel’s potential.

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