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D14.AI Launches A New AI Generation Scheduling Platform

D14.AI launches a new AI driven scheduling service to help businesses improve and optimize their resources focusing on specific industries in the region. The software is known to be flexible and customizable to these focus industries that have already benefited from its deployment such as healthcare, last mile delivery and logistics, sports and fitness.

Due to Covid 19 Pandemic; many businesses were forced to change their operations which caused a significant alteration in the customer behavior throughout this time. Additionally, most of the organizations had re-strategized their plans to prepare themselves for the aggressive fluctuations that caused economic and sociological difficulties.

D14’s technology is different and unique. It helps companies turn massive challenges into successes during these times by providing a smart scheduling platform. With the help of its unique algorithms, D14 technology can schedule more than 1 million orders within minutes and 3000 times faster than other solutions by obeying all the business requirements and regulations.

“The technology’s deployment will play an essential part for the focused industries and requires at least as much attention as the quest for new discoveries and technological solutions. This preparation includes programs to strengthen the social bond and economic foundations by targeting communities in parallel with the deployment.D14 technology provides indeed a strong entrepreneurial business plan for project’s sustainability, replicability, scale, and financing.” says Melda Akin D14 Founder

The know how technology provides a platform and API to solve scheduling and prediction problems with easy, secure, fast, and affordable way.It is a cloud-based and performs at scale. Large delivery companies, clinics, and gyms use the D14 platform to increase employee and customer satisfaction while reducing the cost and time spent.

“D14 technology is easy to deploy within weeks. With its AI and machine learning technology, we decrease the cost of the Medical Clinics by automating the staffs’ work, decreasing the no-shows rate and optimizing patient experience with the personalized journeys. The rate of no shows is about %38. We decrease this rate to %10.” Says Melda Akin

Melda Added: Additionally, the one of the most important KPIs for the delivery companies is the delivery accuracy – delivery attempt in the promised window.To do this, workforce scheduling isthe key to increase delivery accuracy and fulfillment. We help planning teams to save 38% of their time and decrease the cost around %15. We are here to ease and give in solutions’

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