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Huawei’s 5G solutions recognized at the 5G World 2020 Summit

At the recently held 5G World Summit 2020, Huawei’s 5G Telco Converged Cloud (TCC) Solution won the "Best Network Virtualization Initiative" award for its innovative virtual machine and container dual engines.

Cloudification is the foundation of the 5G network and an irreversible trend for telecom networks. With the evolution from 4G to 5G, virtual machines (VMs) and containers will co-exist in the 5G network. A unified resource pool is required to implement simple resource management and optimal resource utilization across the network. An increasing number of industry applications need to be deployed at edge sites with the large scale commercialization of 5G. Diversified computing capabilities will be widely used on the network. In order to meet strict network SLA, infrastructure reliability need to be further enhanced.

Huawei’s 5G Telco Converged Cloud (TCC) is the industry’s 1st hyper-converged infrastructure platform. It features dual-stack convergence (OpenStack and Kubernetes), carrier-grade enhancements, diversified computing capabilities, and O&M automation to help operators’ network cloud platform reconstruction and fast 5G SA network deployment.

By Q2, 2020, Huawei has signed more than 800 commercial telco cloud contracts worldwide, and is determined to help carriers accelerate the cloudification of telecom networks, promote 5G service innovation, enable the digital transformation of the industry, and achieve business success.

During the summit, Huawei was also recognized for their work in the joint Wuhan 5G Smart Anti-Epidemic Project with the "Most Innovative 5G Enterprise Partnership/Trial" award. This award reflects how beneficial Huawei’s innovative applications of 5G technologies have been to smart healthcare, receiving high praise in the industry.

The Wuhan 5G Smart Anti-Epidemic Project was jointly established by Huawei and multiple major hospitals, medical institutions, and government departments immediately after the outbreak of the coronavirus at the beginning of 2020.

The project leveraged 5G’s high bandwidth, low latency, site simplicity, and deployment flexibility to accelerate the adoption of smart healthcare solutions. It provided strong digital support for medical workers to effectively lesson the effects and spread of the virus, epitomizing the innovative application of 5G technologies in smart healthcare services.

This project benefited 1,850 doctors, 3,400 nursing workers, and 8,350 patients, significantly increasing the cure rate and efficiency of healthcare while also reducing the risk of infection for medical workers.

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