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Artificial Intelligence Risk Scientist: Take it seriously. Everyone agreed on that

“That artificial intelligence does not lead to creativity? In my opinion, thanks to it, we have a lot of art waiting for us. It is quite realistic that in a year or two we will be able to create something like Hollywood blockbusters with the help of artificial intelligence,” says computer scientist from the Center for Theoretical Studies of the UK Jan Kulveit . Is AI starting to overtake us? Where are the ethical boundaries of the development of superintelligence? And what does he say about the “coup” in OpenAI?

You can watch the entire interview in the introductory video or listen to it in your favorite podcast app. What were its main themes?

0:42-3:50 How does computer scientist Jan Kulveit read recent events surrounding OpenAI?

3:50-10:44 What does the whole case tell us about artificial intelligence and how people feel about regulating its development? What level is AI at now? And is he already better than a human at something?

10:44-13:02 That, according to Kulveit, most of the people involved in the development of the largest AI models take the risks associated with artificial intelligence very seriously.

13:02-16:40 How is the development of artificial intelligence according to Kulveit? Is he moving too fast and should he slow down, or vice versa? According to Kulveit, what should humanity focus on in development?

16:40-19:42 At what stage is the regulation of artificial intelligence tools now and why is Europe lagging behind the United States in this area?

19:42-23:14 How will AI affect education and training? Is it possible to find out in retrospect which text was “helped” by artificial intelligence? What does Kulveit see as the biggest pitfalls of technology, and where does it help?

23:14-27:54 About the impact artificial intelligence can have on creative professions and creativity as such.

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