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CIF’s President MP Sethrida Geagea And Eurisko Mobility Launch Smart Forest: An AI/IoT Initiative For The Preservation Of Lebanon’s Forests

Eurisko Mobility, leader in Digital Transformation, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) / Smart City technology and Enterprise Mobile & Web development in Lebanon and the Middle East, partnered with the Cedar International Festival’s committee to offer an advanced system to 7 forests all over Lebanon.

Atop of Lebanon’s forest shrinkage to below 12%, numerous wild fires have endangered the sustainability of the country’s ecosystem. In the absence of effective national strategies, Eurisko Mobility’s "Smart Forest", which relies on Internet of Things (IoT) and AI, promises radical change.

Traditional solutions are becoming obsolete as they are built on static mathematical formulas, exclude the specific natural characteristics of the forest in question, and provide fluctuating prediction accuracy when applied to different types of forests in different areas of the world.

Smart Forest relies on an advanced AI/Machine Learning engine that learns the specific natural characteristics of any forest within Lebanon. The amount of data collected enhances the Fire Risk Index precision, even allowing the identification of fires induced by non-natural factors via Outlier Detection, and copes with climate change via Unsupervised Machine Learning.

Through an interactive dashboard, the System enables comparison of historical metrics with real-time metrics related to air and soil temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, windspeed, CO/CO2 emissions and others. Smart Forest also features an automated Notifications Engine triggered by increase in fire risk or CO/CO2 emissions, that will send emails, SMS, push notifications, automated phone calls, to specific response organisms, such as Civil defense, municipalities or NGOs, depending on level and type of danger, averting potential destructive fires.

For this country-wide scale project, a clear route map has been set: data collection, preparation and processing to select optimal AI/machine learning models for each forest, a centralized system linking all forests together, and finally, integration with drones to dispatch real-time photos and geographic coordinates of fires.

Eurisko Mobility through its founders Ziad Tawk and Edgard Tawk, is proud to fully sponsor the Smart Forest development, deployment and maintenance, estimated at USD$700,000 for the 7 forests, and entrust Deputy Sethrida Geagea with offering it to the Government in-formation as a project for the benefit of Lebanon. MP Geagea expressed her heartfelt support to the Tawk brothers, hoping the "black cloud would disappear from the skies so we can resume our successes together."

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