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Entrepreneurs And Experts At Investopia Conference 2023: Precision Medicine Is The New Economy In Biotechnology

During Investopia Conference 2023, leading entrepreneurs, academics and executives discussed the next frontier of innovation in life sciences in a panel titled “Innovations in Precision Healthcare”. Healthcare and biotechnology areexperiencing a wave of rapid innovation.ArtificialIntelligence has made its way into the healthcare sector, presenting exciting and promising opportunities on the horizon; reducing costs while simultaneously improving quality of life.

In the light of global predictions that precision medicine will be the new economy in the field of biotechnology, the participants in the session also discussed role of the bioeconomy, which is one of the most prominent sectors in the new economies. Bioeconomyincludes all economic fields based on research and scientific activities aimed at understanding the mechanism and processes ofgenes and molecules.

To understand these developments and opportunitiesAriana ThackerFounding Partner Conscience VC; moderated the panel of entrepreneurs and experts discussing how technological innovation can revolutionise our approach to life sciences.Speakers includedDr.Gianvito Martino, Professor of Experimental Biology, San Raffaele University; Dr. Michael Severino, CEO Tessera Therapeutics; Ashish Joseph Head of strategy and investments G42 Healthcare.

Dr.Gianvito Martino and Ashish Joseph highlighted the potential of precision medicine in revolutionizing healthcare through technological innovation, reducing costs and enhancing quality of life around the world. Dr. Martino shed light on current trends in the development of precision medicine by suggesting that we are entering a period of natural medicine by replicating Nature’s strategies. This is occurring by changing genes, cells, and molecules; and by utilizing Nature – and what we have already evolved into as a species to find new possibilities.

Dr Michael Severino focused on how enhanced insight into genetics coupled with more effective therapeutic therapies can result in better outcomes for all involved parties. The breadth of what we can do has expanded dramatically in parallel with technology’s expansion. The most exciting thing going on in drug discovery in biotechnology is the combination of better insight into understanding genetics. We didn’t have the technology to do this in the past.

The second, and better, trend is the massive expansion notion of what therapeutic is, resulting in genetic therapies that can correct and send new instructions to cells. He added that the industry is ready to progress in delivering nanoparticles today to solve new challenges. Exploring this area is an extension of what was done to deliver COVID vaccines. It’s robust. ‘It can be dosed and re-dosed and allows access to many tissues.’ Offering another practical demonstration of thisAshish Joseph added companies have powerful and unique data platforms to get datasets to run into machine learning, which in turn can create actionable intelligence for patients.

Healthcare technology is rapidly changing the world as we know it, providing unparalleled advancements in therapeutics to prevent serious illnesses and more comprehensive data analysis for personalised care. All speakers however cautioned that strong leadership, efficient data management strategies, reliable vision execution capabilities are essential to ensure success while tackling scientific challenges such as understanding molecular mechanisms related to illness at a lower cost than conventional research techniques employed by academia.

Investopia conference 2023 focused on the theme “Envisioning Opportunities in Times of Change” and three sub-themes: Envisioning Opportunities in Today’s Economy, The Future of the Wealth of Nations, and Growth Opportunities in Times of Decarbonization. The conference this year included35 sessions and roundtables, and brought together more than 2000 participants like investors, government officials, thought leaders and entrepreneurs, from more than 40 countries.

For detailed information about the conference agenda, kindly visit this website:

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