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Samsung Envisions A Better Normal In 2021

2020 was a year like no other, one that quickly and unexpectedly shook up our lives and reimagined our normal. We gained perspective on the things that really matter, like our health and our loved ones, and the experiences we truly value.

And to adapt to our new way of living, we embraced technology at warp speed– using it to connect with others and find new joy in our everyday, right from the comfort of our homes. We used it to continue moving forward– in education, work, and even celebrating major life moments virtually at a time when it felt like everything else stood still.

Last year,Samsung kicked off the new decade at CES and shared our vision to enable experiences that make new technologies increasingly meaningful in our lives. We talked about a world where our living spaces would become workout studios and meeting spaces, and kitchens would become hyper-personalized to your unique needs. Little did we know then that those experiences would become so important, so quickly.

So, while we may not be meeting in-person in Las Vegas this year, this may be the most exciting CES yet as we embark on the next stage of this journey where we focus on experiences that improve your life and the world we live in. Together, we can create a Better Normal for All.

This Better Normal for All is centered around the idea that with the right technology, we’re ready for a better, brighter future. I cannot wait to welcome you to Samsung’s CES press conference to unveil what the Better Normal will look like, beginning with technology personalized for you, AI to improve your home life, and expanding through innovation that makes a real difference to our society and our world. Here is a sneak peek at what I will be announcing:

A Better, More Personalized Experience

Our vision for a Better Normal for All begins and ends with you. We’ve all spent more time at home, expecting more out of our living spaces and for many, this has been increasingly challenging. That’s why we’re introducing smarter technologies that enrich your life through seamless personalized experiences, from helping you master your yoga technique and achieve your home fitness goals, to navigating a new diet with tailored recipes and intuitive connected kitchen appliances.

AI Empowering a Better Home

Ultimately, the Better Normal will not look the same for you or me – it will revolve around everyone’s unique needs and habits. We must create technologies that adapt to our ways of life and add value to everything we do, that make new experiences more accessible and exciting. Just imagine how much easier it would be if you had a trusted partner around the house, an extension of yourself that could help set the table or put groceries away, recognizing and handling objects with care and precision. Well imagine no more, because at CES, we’re going to show you how our cutting-edge research is working to  bring an extra pair of hands to your home. We’re advancing our AI-infused technologies to enable you to do more than ever, and we cannot wait to show you how robotics will support us on the journey to a Better Normal.

Technology Shaping a Brighter Future

And throughout this journey, we must acknowledge our responsibility to serve not just our users, but our planet, and our society. While technology can reshape the way people communicate and experience the world today, it is also the enabler of a brighter future.As we overcome one of the biggest challenges of our lifetime, we must stand together to ensure that our Better Normal also benefits the generations to come.

At CES, Samsung will share more about its sustainability vision.

As a global leader in technology,breaking down barriers to a better future will continue to be pivotal to our mission as we put people, society and the planet at the center of everything we do.

We are at the beginning of a very unique opportunity to not just overcome the past year’s adversity, but to create a Better Normal for All, and I’m so excited to share more about how Samsung is making this a reality. I hope you’ll join me for the Samsung virtual CES press conference on Monday, January 11th.

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