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Scale7, A QDB Incubator, Buoyed By Overwhelming Response For Its Acceleration Aand Incubation Programs

Scale7, the first fashion and design business incubator in Qatar- founded by Qatar Development Bank (QDB) in partnership with M7 – has received encouraging response for Wave 2 of its Acceleration Program and Wave 1 of its Incubation Program.

The Incubation Program is the organisation’s pioneering business incubation, training and mentorship initiative, while the Acceleration Program Wave 2 caters to Qatari fashion and design entrepreneurs and startups who are looking for a launchpad and a hub in Qatar to accelerate their growth.

Scale7’s intensive three-month Acceleration and Incubation Program has evoked a competitive environment among the Qatari entrepreneurs as more than 81 fashion and design entrepreneurs signed up for the two respective programs. A total of 34 applications were received for the Acceleration Program while 47 entrepreneurs applied for the Incubation Program. After intense screening, 5 applicants have been shortlisted for the Acceleration Program and 12 aspiring entrepreneurs have been selected for the Incubation Program.

 The two programs will facilitate innovative startups in accelerating their growth momentum, in line with Scales7’s vision to be a catalyst for reshaping the Fashion and Design sector in the region and beyond. Throughout the 12 -week program, the budding entrepreneurs will work towards refining and enhancing their business ideas.

Despite the unprecedented times and the current challenges faced globally, the two programs are witnessing the determination and dedication, as well as the high caliber of innovative ideas submitted. The selected startups will have the opportunity to engage in specialized workshops hosted by international experts; one-on-one mentoring sessions with several industry specialists as well as partners and receive mentor support from world-class professionals and global leaders in Fashion technology.

Commenting on the overwhelming response for these programs, Ms. Aysha Khalifa Al Romaihi, Project Manager of Scale7, said, “It gives us tremendous pleasure to announce that our Incubation and Acceleration Program has surpassed our expectations. What was launched as a platform to support the next generation of Qatari fashion startups has today catapulted into a movement. The credit for this stupendous success goes to our hard working and highly innovative talent who by virtue of their sheer determination have displayed their creative & innovative spirits to the Qatari business ecosystem.”

“Looking at such latent talent, we at Scale7 will keep supporting the budding entrepreneurs through various initiatives, which will further develop the Qatari private sector.”

The 12-week long Acceleration Program Wave 2 commenced on September 6, 2021 and will conclude on November 24, 2021, giving participants a chance to interact face to face with each other. The program aims to encourage local fashion and design startups with innovative solutions to leverage this opportunity and support Qatar’s commitment to positioning itself as a leading fashion hub regionally.

The Incubation Program has been designed to offer workshops, coaching and mentorship to a number of selected startups as well as the internally selected participants from the pre-incubation program. The program aims to support designers who are at the idea stage with Minimum Viable Product (pre-revenue) through coaching sessions in order to test their ideas and receive evaluation before the market launch.The Incubation Program commenced on September 13, 2021 and will conclude on November 29, 2021.

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