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These Are The Applications Of Artificial Intelligence In Medicine

It is increasingly common to hear the term Artificial Intelligence but while some think that it is an enemy, it can actually be an ally, especially in areas such as Medicine. In fact, some of its functions are already applied both in the professional and academic fields. In this way, instead of being afraid of technology, one should know how it can be used.

The arrival of the digital era in the field of health
For starters, the education of aspiring physicians has been radically transformed over the past few decades. The arrival and expansion of computers and tablets has meant that now the points are not in notebooks but also in digital format. In parallel, the reading of books has also changed because now it is no longer necessary to have the physical versions.

For its part, during the pandemic there was an acceleration in the digitization. A large part of the universities adopted the distance model to continue with the classes. In this way, the Internet was of great help in the preparation of the students.

With this in mind, Dr. Francisco Javier Alvarado Rodríguez, who is Professor-Researcher at the Autonomous University of Guadalajara (UAG)affirms that Artificial Intelligence has had a significant impact on Higher Education and especially within Medicine.

In this regard, he gave the conference “Implications of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education” during the first Academic Congress “Integrating Education and Innovation in Health Sciences”.

He affirmed that during 2022 the Medicine was the area most exploited by Artificial Intelligence with an investment of 6.1 billion dollars worldwide. Then there was data management, processing and the cloud with 5.9 billion; and in Fintech with 5.5 billion worldwide.

He also pointed out some advantages of using the Artificial Intelligence in higher education, such as personalization of learning, tutoring and virtual support. Also educational data analysis, automation of administrative tasks, research, discoveries and development of skills for the future, among others.

He added that there are different approaches and techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing (NLP), computer vision and planning, and decision making. All of the above allow machines to become more efficient, accurate, and adaptable over time.

How is Artificial Intelligence used within Medicine?
In this way, the applications of the Artificial Intelligence in Medicine they are innumerable. For example, it is used for medical diagnosis, since it can analyze large sets of medical data, such as MRIs, CT scans, X-rays. With this, it helps healthcare professionals in the early and accurate diagnosis of diseases and medical conditions.

Although in reality its applications go beyond the office and direct patient care. Other areas where it is also of great help is in the drug discovery, surgical robotics, medical education and training.

Similarly, digital systems offer recommendations and suggestions to physicians and students based on information collected from a variety of sources, allowing more informed and accurate decisions to be made in patient treatment.

And another great benefit is telemedicine because it allows to offer remote medical care. In fact, it is a modality that is in full growth because more and more people opt for virtual consultations.

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