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TRA Conducts The First Meeting of 5G Frequencies Working Group

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the Kingdom of Bahrain chaired the first meeting of the 5G Frequencies Working Group to discuss and shed the light on Government’s efforts in general and TRA’s efforts in specific in setting the proper plan and conducting the necessary preparations to secure the required spectrum for implementing the 5G networks in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The Working group is responsible for developing and implementing the action plan for the initial introduction of 5G commercial mobile networks in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The meeting also discussed and finalized the terms of reference TRA prepared for the Working Group that include the rules and responsibilities assigned to the group.

TRA’s Director of Technical & Operations, Eng. Mohamed Alnoaimi stated “The Working Group will consider the commercial sector needs of the spectrum required for establishing the 5G networks in cooperation with all the concerned government entities and will prepare an evacuation plan accordingly in light of the agreement with the Working Group team.”

“The Working Group will also prioritize the frequency bands that are most likely to be used for operating the 5G networks according to the recommendations of the relevant international technical groups. Moreover, the Working Group will align its spectrum needs from the different frequency bands with the GCC, regional and European direction along with the outcomes of the World Radiocommunications Conference-19.” Eng. Alnoaimi added.

The outcome from the Working Group shall enable the Kingdom of Bahrain to be one of the leading countries in the region to launch the 5G network, fulfilling its commitment towards enabling the latest telecom technologies.

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