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UAEU Students Actively Participate In‏ “‎‎Robotic Competition” Line Following’ In ‎Google Innovation Hub At SIP

The UAEU Science and Innovation Park Google ‎Innovation Hub has organized a "Line ‎Following” competition for UAEU students from ‎various colleges, which lasted for two weeks, ‎under the supervision of an academic committee ‎and a jury.‎

Prof. Ahmed Murad, Associate Provost for ‎Research, said that such events enhance the ‎capacity-building and skills and develop ‎innovative and creative talents among students ‎during their university life. It also contributes to ‎discover talents that the university makes efforts ‎to develop so that the students can acquire ‎experiences required to start a working life with ‎qualitative academic experiences after ‎graduation. The university administration ‎anticipates prospects, within the national ‎strategic plans, in the next fifty-year era, in which ‎plans, and programs will be able to meet and keep ‎pace with the requirements of the times, develop ‎teaching and learning methods, and improve the ‎outputs of research. He added at the same time ‎that robots and their design are among ‎necessary future skills that engineering, and ‎information technology students must acquire,‎and that help find technological solutions to life ‎challenges and contribute to improving the ‎quality of life.‎

He added, seven different teams participated to ‎pass the competition three stages. In the first ‎stage, the teams program the robot in the form of ‎a car to follow the zigzag line to reach the first or ‎second end line in a certain time. In the second ‎stage, the robot passes from start to finish end ‎without collision. Finally, in the third stage, the ‎team programs the robot using a mobile phone or ‎iPad by following the line.‎

The competition also included a presentation of ‎the best robot design, which was won by the ‎ASIL team, while Eagle team won the main robot ‎competition, which is "Line Following ", won the ‎first place. The 3XM team won second place, ‎while the UAE Falcon team won third place.‎

This competition requires understanding the ‎different concepts of robotics from the ‎programming process, design, and system ‎control.‎

The jury included Prof. Ahmed Ali Murad – ‎Associate Provost for Research, and Dr. Fekri‎Kharbash, Vice Dean of the College of ‎Information Technology, UAEU. ‎

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